Friday, August 28, 2009

Announcement: Otherness, Session 7

Otherness: Session 7 will be played this upcoming Sunday, August 30, from 12-4 at The Source Comics and Games. This is a Free Campaign, which means anyone can show up and play at any point. I already have five confirmed players, which is great, and even better 'cause it includes my little brother, with whom I haven't gamed since 1990 or 91. And I believe we played Rifts...

Adventurers will once again be braving the subterranean halls of GRISTLEHELM. It seems unlikely that all of them will be leaving intact...

On a side note, we're switching over to using the Holmes Blue Book as the rules-base of our campaign, along with a good dose of Greyhawk and Fight On! articles. This can be laid at Will's feet, since he printed out a nifty bookletized form of the said rules for me, which caused me to actually read them all the way through and realize how just how tasty they really are...


  1. Yeah, sure, it's my fault.

    But then, everything of any importance is my fault...

    verification word: lerogra -- that's gotta be a new monster...

  2. I'm hoping, with the end of summer, I'll be able to make the next session.

    How'd the Holmes rules work out? The text sort of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
